Sunday, October 3, 2010

Gayness, Multicultural Education, and Community by Dennis Carlson- Reflection

This article made me think of a video(click here) that I saw a few days ago. The video is about bullying which leads to teen suicide, because you are different.

  • How can a state prohibit teaching theirs students about homosexuality? I admit I never had a "class" on it, but it had been talked about and mentioned in classes. I feel like this is saying we can't talk about the Holocaust, because it might make  person with Jewish background feel bad.

  • I hate how the article says being gay gives you a loss of respect. Maybe to some that is true, but it is something that is so unfair. A person should have every right to love whom they want without being afraid of the repercussions. I also am reminded of SCWAAMP
I wish acceptance was easier to have in the world. I know people will always have their differences, but it kills me to know that some of these differences will lead to horrible things. I know it sounds a little silly, but if only everyone could get along, the world would be a happier place....if only


  1. Important questions you have here... and what would Carlson say? How does his article relate and what suggestions does he have for us as educators?

  2. i agree with what you had to say at the end. If only everyone could get along the world would be a better place but unfortuantely we do not know if that will ever happen but we can only hope!
