Thursday, December 9, 2010

Service Learning Project Link

Nessa, Raquel and I used facebook for our service learning project. Below is the link to get to the Allan Johnson page, where you can also see our other connections.

Service Learning Final

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Promising Practices

Kliewer; Citizenship in School-Reflection

 "How do we erase those negative attitudes?"

I feel like this is always the question being asked about any topic we discuss. Whenever we discuss a topic in class we always end up asking up how do we help and how can we change this. It seems like it is such a simple question, but the answer is so complex. Directly towards this reading, I feel we just need to continue showing that people with developmental disabilities are fully capable of being in a classroom and learning, just as the people who judge. If we show those who judge, that the disabled people are able to do the same work as they do, then I think it will help them to be less judgemental.

While reading this article, I looked back into my life. I wanted to see if I had judged anyone without realizing it. I couldn't think of anything. But it did remind me of a argument I continually have with one of my friends. I HATE when people use the word retarded and he knows this, but continues to use it. I confronted him about it and about how as my friend he should respect I HATE it and not use it around me, and he tells me that he doesn't see it as a derogatory word. It frustrates me.

I also wondered if people judged, because they don't know how to teach developmental disabled people, or if they believe that they need to be taught differently. I found a video on it.

I have no idea why, but this blog had a lot of trouble posting. I didn't realize it didn't post the entire thing, until today. :(

How to Improve Thinking Strategies for People with ID/DD: Ten Techniques...

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Kliewer; Citizenship in School

 "How do we erase those negative attitudes?"

I feel like this is always the question being asked about any topic we discuss.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Gender and Education

  • ''In fact, upon entering school, girls perform equal to or better than boys on nearly every measure of achievement, but by the time they graduate high school or college, they have fallen behind. (Sadker, 1994)''
  • ''The socialization of gender within our schools assures that girls are made aware that they are unequal to boys. Every time students are seated or lined up by gender, teachers are affirming that girls and boys should be treated differently.''
  • ''When different behaviors are tolerated for boys than for girls because 'boys will be boys', schools are perpetuating the oppression of females. There is some evidence that girls are becoming more academically successful than boys, however examination of the classroom shows that girls and boys continue to be socialized in ways that work against gender equity.''
  • ''Teachers socialize girls towards a feminine ideal. Girls are praised for being neat, quiet, and calm, whereas boys are encouraged to think independently, be active and speak up. Girls are socialized in schools to recognize popularity as being important, and learn that educational performance and ability are not as important. "Girls in grades six and seven rate being popular and well-liked as more important than being perceived as competent or independent. Boys, on the other hand, are more likely to rank independence and competence as more important." (Bailey, 1992)''
  • ''Yet gender bias in education reaches beyond socialization patterns, bias is embedded in textbooks, lessons, and teacher interactions with students. This type of gender bias is part of the hidden curriculum of lessons taught implicitly to students through the every day functioning of their classroom.''
  • ''"Rather than identifying learning problems, school personnel may be mislabeling behavioral problems. Girls who sit quietly are ignored; boys who act out are placed in special programs that may not meet their needs." (Bailey, 1992)''
  • ''Gender bias in education is an insidious problem that causes very few people to stand up and take notice. The victims of this bias have been trained through years of schooling to be silent and passive, and are therefore unwilling to stand up and make noise about the unfair treatment they are receiving. "Over the course of years the uneven distribution of teacher time, energy, attention, and talent, with boys getting the lion's share, takes its toll on girls." (Sadker, 1994) Teachers are generally unaware of their own biased teaching behaviors because they are simply teaching how they were taught and the subtle gender inequities found in teaching materials are often overlooked. Girls and boys today are receiving separate and unequal educations due to the gender socialization that takes place in our schools and due to the sexist hidden curriculum students are faced with every day. Unless teachers are made aware of the gender-role socialization and the biased messages they are unintentionally imparting to students everyday, and until teachers are provided with the methods and resources necessary to eliminate gender-bias in their classrooms, girls will continue to receive an inequitable education.''

Here is a little video I found. It's silly, but I think makes a point.